
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

My life is about promise

"Question your questions until your doubts become answers"

In the journey of life, the illest villain is the awareness of self. Self unattended is misery uncompromising. We can't be happy with our success sensors always activated. Our experience with performance based programs are that pressure rarely yields great fruit. People were made to progress from postures of peace. True shepherds in life, business, ministry, cinema, etc were made to develop flocks that can rest. Don't confuse my passion for rest as an excuse for passivity. Rest is hardly passive. People striving to never strive understand that all true external measurables are connected to the richness of their inner lives in God. Peace must be more than an idea but a raging standard of faith inside. Rest is more than a concept. It's a person. Rest is faith and Faith is trust. Trust in God today with an aggressive faith.

My relatives are dead

Just Be

Just Be