
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



Moses persevered, says Hebrews 11, because he saw him who is invisible. The word persevere comes from the prefix per meaning “through” and “severe”—to press by faith through dire situations.

Moses pressed through severe circumstances to taste of the invisible God. He persevered because of what he could not see. God puts the desire in us to see, but our ability to see is defined by how powerfully we press through even in the midst of extreme opposition. Moses went through his pit and came out on top.

Faith is an ability to see what no one else sees and to press through into it by divine forcefulness, a godly grabbing of heaven and through eternal sight, bringing it forth. Pressing through in faith is our ability to keep our eyes on The Lord even in the most violent and apparent contradictions.  He desires us to mature by putting valleys of dry bones in front of us and then by our faith speak life into the most dead and hopeless situations. 


Moses persevered because he saw the invisible and that trust was not in vain as he was a man who knew God in a way few others did.



Be yourself