
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Just Be

Just Be

Miracles happen by listening. Breakthrough Happens by being. Being leads to doing. Who you are has an irrevocable affect on what you do. When Jesus reveals our identity to us that is our place of abiding in him. It's our room. Our place of intimacy with Jesus. He only meets us in the context of who he is and who we are.  


In Him

When we do anything out of that context we inadvertently turn to strife. Faith permeates the actions of those possessed by God. The phrase "in him" is in the New Testament over 121 times. We would do well to adopt the language of the New Testament. Without the knowledge of "Christ in us" we miss out on the mystery of the New Testament which Paul was so passionate about in Colossians 1:27!


Enjoy the abiding presence! It is within you! It's about awareness. You can only manifest or make appear the things of the Kingdom with the awareness of it. You can't make a withdrawal without knowing what's in the account. Being with God creates an atmosphere for revelation.  


Jorge Valenzuela




My life is about promise

Delight as a lifestyle

Delight as a lifestyle