
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Rest and acceleration

Rest and acceleration

In 2006 I had a dream where I was in a white space. Similar to this scene in the matrix. I was in an area of pure white. Morpheus and Neo were not there, I promise.

I was in this room and I saw other members of my youth group there. I saw them running and advancing and I was running as well. And we all ran at the same pace until sometime near the middle of the race I saw myself go back to the starting line (to the beginning). Every time I returned to the staring line I saw my speed exponentially increase. Eventually it got to the point where I could return to the beginning and exceed those who never turned back to the starting line. For you DBZ lovers, it reminded me of the hyperbolic time chamber.

I felt the Lord say “ because you always turn to rest, you will accelerate.” The Kingdom of God is backwards. You have to slow down to get faster. In the vision, the Lord was showing me to “rest” and return to “first love” constantly. Return to the starting post of the cross. Return to the basics. Return to simple faith. Since I was faithful to do that, I was being accelerated in the dream while everyone else was tired since they tried to fulfill what they could with as little touches from God as possible.

The key is to do less and be with God. Lovers get more work done than do workers.

Let me encourage you:

Jesus is the goal. Rest in him. Come with the hearing of faith. Faith comes from surrender to him. Keep coming back to the cross and his finished work. Our foundations don’t change, they also never get boring. You can hop from philosophy to philosophy but the truths bound in eternity require no update. They have no bugs and no imperfections. Rest in him, your identity and the finished works.



We have Jesus's relationship with the Father

We have Jesus's relationship with the Father