
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Jesus Centered Productivity

Jesus Centered Productivity

Pro·cras·ti·na·tion| prəˌkrastəˈnāSH(ə)n | noun the action of delaying or postponing something:

Where is my planner?

Procrastination, we all deal with it. It can be troubling as we watch ourselves put off task after task and wonder if we will ever complete our goals. I’ve been there.

We all watch inspirational youtube videos and get motivated to work harder, faster, and more nimble than ever before. In this day and age, we are bombarded by these messages and the feelings of guilt and self-doubt creep in with every delay in completing our to-do list.

Your task manager app collects dust, your planner has been lost for weeks and you didn't even notice and you haven't gotten any closer to your goals. This ought not to be.

Help me! What do I do?

  1. Start your day with Jesus. He is the wisest of all. The Kingdom is our focus and everything else comes from that. Jesus is the wellspring of life. Pray about your day and the things that concern you. It’s amazing how Jesus can project manage your life.

  2. Create a list of all the items that come to your mind. It often happens when we pray. I feel like this is the Lord’s reminder system. It’s not a distraction like you may have thought. Write it down and then your mind will be able to settle.

  3. Once the list is made, pray through that list. It doesn’t have to be in a prayer closet but throughout your day: Ask God where your focus should be and what your priorities are.

  4. Once clarity comes on what the focus is. Start scheduling. Determine a reasonable time for the task you are doing. Start small and remember you will fail a lot. It’s trial and error as you and the Holy Spirit figure out a path.

  5. It takes time and patience to develop systems for how to get things done. I’m 32, I’ve been working on my systems since I was 22. Start small and be patient.

Be Still and Know

Psalm 46:10

Be still and know that I am God

Going back to #1, you can only KNOW what you need or want to do when you get still with God. Being leads to doing. If you aren’t “doing’ or banging out productivity as you want, it’s from a lack of being with the Lord. Fruit happens as we abide. Only trees that aren't rooted cannot bear fruit.

That's why He reminds us to abide in him. He makes fruit happen.

I'm never getting old

I'm never getting old

Yes! He is leading you!

Yes! He is leading you!