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You are the righteousness of God

You are the righteousness of God

You Are The Righteousness Of God

“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” II Corinthians 5:21 NKJV https://www.bible.com/114/2co.5.21.nkjv

I have a scandalous, glorious truth of the gospel to proclaim to you today. If you are in Christ, a born-again believer then you are as righteous as God is righteous. Some of you just by reading that sentence are screaming inside, some even angry as they read it. I love how the truth of the glorious gospel of Jesus assaults our flesh and our own self sufficiency. Focusing on the truths presented to us in scripture about the redemption of man that Christ accomplished through His cross is essential for us to walk in our destines and bring kingdom of heaven to earth.

The scriptures command us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Rom 12:2). And here is a beautiful thing about these truths, unless we accept them by faith then we do not walk in them. Scripture exhorts us that we have to “also, likewise reckon yourselves as dead to sin but alive to God” Romans 6:11. It is time to do some reckoning. If you have been in the church any length of time you have heard the old saying “I’m just a sinner saved by grace brother.” How weak do we believe the blood of Christ to be? This blood that the writer of Hebrews declares was sufficient once for all to purify you from dead works to 1 serve the living God (Heb 9:14). His blood didn’t just deal with sin, His blood dealt with the sin nature itself.

This is why the blood of bulls and goats were not enough because it took one who was perfect, full nature of God; because He is God. To come and deal with not just a result I.e sin, but the cause I.e the sin nature. He became sin, He became as you and I were by nature so that we can become as he is by nature. Beloved, you are righteous as He is righteous right now in this moment. You might be thinking to yourself “well then why do I keep messing up and committing sin. Whether it be lust, greed, hatred, whatever it may be; until you believe by faith what God has made you by His own blood then you will not manifest it. Until you believe that by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus a divine rebirth has taken place that has given you a new divine nature of righteousness then you will continue to struggle with sin.

This is mystery of the gospel, faith! Paul said I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus for it is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe! (Rom 1:16) We know the gospel is God’s power to save anyone yet we see by His own design that only those who believe receive it. That principle carries to all theses truths. They are true whether you believe them or not but you won’t walk in it like you are meant to unless you believe it. In Christ right now when the Father looks at you He sees His own purity, and righteousness and beauty. This is why it is declared to us in Hebrews that we can come boldly before the throne of grace. I want to encourage you as you read this say out-loud right now “I believe I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus”. Began to speak these truths over yourself and watch as your mind is transformed and you will begin to see what comes out of you change. You will begin to feel confident in coming before the Father because you were made to be there. It is time for us as the sons and daughters of God to rise up and manifest His glory to the earth, but as long as you believe you are some old dirty sinner then you won’t. This is deceit of Satan that he could keep you trapped living like something you used to be instead of living the full testimony of the gospel to a dying world. Be set free today by truth, you are as righteous as God is righteous because of the spotless Lamb; Jesus Christ!

Gladness of God

Gladness of God

Purity of heart

Purity of heart