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Purity of heart

Purity of heart

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. - Matthew 5:8

The Words of Jesus From Matthew 5: 2-12 have always been a commonly spoken about passage throughout church history. Even as a child I remember in children’s church being prompted by teachers to memorize “the beatitudes”. The issue has been that we have become overly familiar with those words, we have adopted the attitude “oh I’ve got those ones, I know that passage”. I want to take a few moments here to invite you to once again peer into the words of Jesus found here; and allow yourself to be filled with the Spirit of revelation at these eternal words spoken from the lips of the one whom from His mouth comes a sharp two-edged sword (see Revelation 1:16). The greatest vision that a man can have is the vision of God, the greatest glimpse that spirit of man can see is the very likeness of God.

Jesus knew this, being the one from the bosom of the Father. So he calls out to a great hidden desire in the depths of 1 “Purity of heart is the pathway to the great hidden longing of the human design; and that is to behold the One whose image you were made in” fallen man, the desire to behold the eternal glory of God. “Blessed, truly happy” He declares are the pure in heart because their spirit gets the great reward of clearer vision of the uncreated God! Think about Ezekiel at the river Chebar; after having visions of God’s uncreated glory he sat there for 7 days astonished! (See Ezekiel 2: 15). Hollywood has never dreamed of such a movie or production that could leave a man or woman stunned out of their mind for 7 days unable to move at what they had just witnessed. Let the declaration of Jesus here that “blessed are the pure in heart” grip your heart and draw you in to what you are longing for in the deepest place of your human spirit; which is to see God more clearly.

Purity isn’t some boring thing that God thought up to impose rules on you to keep you from enjoying life, purity is the pathway to the greatest pleasure! Purity of heart is the pathway to the great hidden longing of the human design; and that is to behold the One whose image you were made in. When you see Him every question you have ever had about yourself is answered. I hope the Spirit uses these weak words to stir up that great longing in your heart. And I hope you find yourself in the place of growth into the greater pleasure of beholding Him more fully.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. - 2 Corinthians 13:14

Author: Michael Woodward

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