
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Breaking the cycles

Hebrews 12:2

Looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith…

The only way to break any cycle of shame, sin, unbelief, fear and pain is to become Christ-conscious. We cannot break these cycles by the power of man or willpower. Willpower is effective at times but it’s not a stable source of inner provision. We are intrinsically needy people and we need God’s power to live. Even the most basic things we do daily require God’s spirit for help.

It takes faith to believe you are righteous. It takes faith to believe your root is different than the fruit you are displaying in the moment. We are perfect in Christ-even on our worst days. If we keep leaning on Christ for his righteousness He will keep revealing more of his power to live. Sin will be further and further from us and we will stop trying to die to ourselves (Isn’t in scripture by the way). Self can’t kill self. Romans 6 makes it clear we have died (Past tense) and we can live in the new man. God doesn’t deal with the old man, He encourages the new man in you. The new nature he deposited in you comes out through encouragement and meditation.

If it isn’ “working” Keep looking to Jesus. As long as you are still over-emphatic on self, you are missing on the glory of Jesus’s face. As we see him, we become like him. Everything we want to become and are—is in his face!

Look to Jesus. He is the savior, the provider, the King, the wonderful one!

Pray your heart out

Pray your heart out

Be a relentless planter

Be a relentless planter