
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Say goodbye to D.I.Y

Say goodbye to D.I.Y

The phenomenon of do it yourself is an amazing movement wrestling control of expensive projects and putting them back in the hands of the people. Sites like pinterest have empowered us to try projects like never before. Ahh, the amazing power of crowd sourcing problems. My goal today is not to address this fledgling movement but to attack our religious propensities. Let's go!


A common phrase I heard as a young Dominican child on the streets of the Dominican republic and later in Miami was this " God helps those who help themselves." It was repeated to me constantly as a kid and had some truth to it. Do some work, don't be lazy and God does his part. While there is something to this ancient man made proverb that runs deep in my culture. it fundamentally ignores the most crucial element of the gospel. The order is flipped. God doesn't help those who help themselves. God helps those who know they can't help themselves and run to him for refuge and strength to accomplish said tasks. The cart is before the horse. God isn't into DIY. He wants you to DIE to your own efforts and be resurrected by your faith in Christ which then empowers you, possesses you and moves you into divine exploits.


Faith jump while doubt looks- Smith Wigglesworth



Eyes of a Generation

Eyes of a Generation

Pleasant Learning

Pleasant Learning