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Eyes of a Generation

Eyes of a Generation

I want to briefly write on the "eyes of a generation", the importance of beholding. Wherever you set your gaze is the direction that your life will go. In the natural when you stare at something your body begins to travel in that direction; not only your body also your thoughts begin to fixate on the object you are staring at as well. In the spirit this is true also, whatever you stare at is where you life will begin to go. It will begin overtake your thoughts, your words, everything about you. 


You were made to see, and what you are able to see is of utmost importance. Mankind are the only ones of the created order who are able to behold God, to behold His character and being ("The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory" John 1:14). The eyes of your heart are meant to be opened in Christ in order to see Him in His glory so that your life will be drawn into glory (Eph 1:18). Beloved you were meant to see and your eyes were meant to be captured by the beauty and the mysteries of the eternal God. As you set your eyes on Him your life will begin to be drawn into the glorious destiny that God has set for you, but it starts with a turning of the eyes. Turning your eyes away from the lies that surround you, turning your eyes from the disillusionment of this life and what it has to offer. 


When we as a generation turn our eyes and fixate our eyes on Him the glory of God will break out into the dark, into our spheres of influence. What we stare at we become aware of; and what we become aware of becomes manifested through our lives. It is the simplicity of turning your eyes towards Him, Psalm 27: 4 "One thing I have asked of the Lord, and that will I seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, that I may behold His beauty and inquire in His holy temple." Begin to pray the prayers in the scriptures "Lord open my eyes lest I sleep the sleep of death" Psalm 13:3. Another aspect is reading and meditation of the scriptures, Psalm 36:9 "in Your light we see light". 

    A Real Battle

There is a war for the eyes, the devil has blinded the hearts of men and the only way to see is for God to shine the glory of Christ in your heart (2 Cor 4:4). Jesus revealed to the church of Laodicea the importance of vision, He said in Revelation 3:18 "I counsel you to buy from Me.... salve to anoint your eyes that you may see". Jesus knew that if they were unable to behold Him correctly then their life would have no true glory or destination. 


 It is time to set your eyes, to ask God to cause you to see. It is time to anoint your eyes with the salve of the scriptures in order to behold the glory of the uncreated God. This is how the battle for eyes are won, and if the eyes of a generation can be won; the generation itself will be won.

Practical Steps

    Some practical ways of doing this; are meditating on the scriptures. Meditation can be focusing on what the scripture is saying through thought, or through repeating the scriptures out loud. Another way of meditating on the scriptures is to write them down; also, Singing the scriptures in song. There are several ways of meditating on scripture. Another practical thing is to meditate on the attributes of God revealed in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 


Final Thoughts

    I pray that this helps set you on your journey into the fiery depths of Gods heart.


-Michael Woodward

Healthy Confrontation

Healthy Confrontation

Say goodbye to D.I.Y

Say goodbye to D.I.Y