
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Know your season

Know your season

Proverbs 10:5 TPT

Know the importance of the season you’re in and a wise son you will be. But what a waste when an incompetent son sleeps through his day of opportunity!

Knowing the season is crucial. It helps you set God-based expectations. You can have all these goals and ideas but if they aren't based on God's areas of focus for you, it's futile. We want to be clued to God's specific will.

Let me be clear: God's will is always for our health, success, and prosperity.

What is in question is the specificity of the goals and theme of the year that God is speaking.

For example. God wants to prosper you but how much can you believe God for this year? Can you believe God for 10k in savings so you can finally start your emergency fund? Can you believe God for 5k of investing funds or 50k?

The point is: Ask God to help you write some goals and keep them simple.

Let God into your goal-setting process. Don't just make resolutions willy-nilly. Ask God for clarity and don't settle until you feel that clarity in your mind. It may take months but don't settle. God is developing something in you.

Be a wise son and know your season.

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