
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Jesus means "God saves"

Jesus means "God saves"

Do you know that Jesus’ name in Hebrew, Yeshua, actually means “Yahweh saves”? It is not “Yahweh judges.” The name Jesus means “Yahweh SAVES.” If you are broke, Yahweh saves. If you are sick, Yahweh saves. If you have enemies that are coming against you, Yahweh saves. Whatever saving you need, Jesus is the answer, for His name means “Yahweh saves.” Hallelujah!

Jesus is the answer friends. It is his goodness and kindness that leads us to the repentance (renewed mind) that we need. When we believe differently we live differently. 

If you are in a job you don't enjoy. Take it to God. tell him your emotions and feelings and recognize He is working on your behalf not against you. He richly blesses ALL who call on his name. He wants to show his goodness and kindness to you.

A church that exalts suffering for God over God's desire to bless us is a church not focused on God's nature. A church focused on what they can do for God is misled. A church focused on what God has done is on the right path. 

Friends, He is chasing us, pursuing us, loving us, Receive it. 

Be At Peace

Be At Peace

Know your season

Know your season