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Pray your heart out

Pray your heart out

It is not that our desires are unimportant or the most important, but by praying them to God we gain His perspective. As we talk them over with His, we start to see what desires were originally put there by Him and what has been tainted by the world and sin. By ignoring our desires, we don’t remove them; we only hide them until they turn up in ways that haven’t been processed with God and usually in unhealthy and sinful ways. This is why God wants us to prayer for our desires. He knows that by doing so we will find the gold He wants to expose to the world.

-Credit to prayer coach

God’s invitation to prayer is amazing. He will give us what we ask for and for those things that have no value- he will redirect our value system. Don’t be afraid to ask for whatever you wish. With faith and persistence your mind becomes renewed gradually. You begin to think like God. You begin to receive your desires and realize which desires aren’t really consequential.

Consider this quote from Pastor David Yongi Cho:

“Cherish the good desires you have. Christians very often lose their good desires, by not attending to this; and then their prayers are mere words without any desire or earnestness at all. The least longing of desire must be cherished. If your body was likely to freeze, and you had even the least spark of fire, how you would cherish it! So if you have the least desire for a blessing, let it be ever so small, don't trifle it away. Don't grieve the Spirit. Don't be diverted. Don't lose good desires, by levity, by censoriousness, by worldly-mindedness. Watch, and pray, and follow it up, or you will never pray the prayer of faith.

I want to ask the professors who are here a few questions. 

Do you know what it is to pray in faith? Did you ever pray in this way? Have you ever prayed, till your mind was assured the blessing would come-till you felt that rest in God, that confidence, as perfect as if you saw God come down from heaven to give it to you? If not, you ought to examine your foundation. “

 How can you live without praying in faith at all? How do you live in view of your children, while you have no assurance whatever that they will be converted? ... Do you live in such a manner that you can offer such prayer for your children? I know that the children of professors may sometimes be converted in answer to the prayers of somebody else. But ought you to live so? Dare you trust to the prayers of others, when God calls you to sustain this most important relation to your children?”

Pray the prayer of faith. Pray the prayer of Elijah!!! Keep praying until you see the size of a man’s hand.

Word of the Lord

Word of the Lord

Breaking the cycles

Breaking the cycles