
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



One of the common misconceptions I hear a lot is that fasting creates:


1. An increased ability to hear from God

2. Some demons only come out by fasting  

3. more experiences


I will be explaining this first belief and challenge the other beliefs in subsequent posts.  


This is truly not the case.  Fasting does not increase your ability to hear from God anymore than me not eating helps me hear my wife better. It doesn’t. Fasting does not starve your flesh because your flesh is already cut away (Romans 6:10-11). We have no barriers between us and the Father. Jesus tore the veil, his flesh, and gave us a new and living way. 

We are spirit people first so our nature is to hear from the Lord. It takes effort to hear in the flesh since we are stuck in the Spirit. For more questions about the sin nature read previous articles titled as such in the archive. This idea that fasting makes prayer stronger does not fit in the New Testament narrative.  God is your father he does not talk to you more because you’re not eating but because you have lifted your expectation to hear. 

Keep your heart

Keep your heart

Peace with everything

Peace with everything