
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Slow Down

The next victory the Lord is giving the American church is victory over "time" Time is the enemy we are always facing. How often do I find myself wishing " dude, I wish I would have had time for this?" It's a common experience for all of us. We wish we could do more, be more and experience more in the glorious life of the kingdom of God.  Joshua had a secret. He knew the secret place makes clocks stop.


Sun Stand Still

Joshua 10:12 As the men of Israel were pursuing and harassing the foe, Joshua prayed aloud, “Let the sun stand still over Gibeon, and let the moon stand in its place over the valley of Aijalon!” 


The business of our lives really comes from the internal pressure. God wants to make the "sun stand still" in your life. He wants to slow down time. He wants to give you authority over time and that only happens through an internal rest in Jesus. Our internal reality of rest creates our external reality of productivity. When you're at rest, you're able through the Spirit to enjoy everything moment to moment. You're able to drink in every sunrise, every moment with loved ones, and every experience becomes much more profound. It allows the goodness of God to make a print into the soft clay of our lives. Stillness is slowing down and receiving the Holy Spirit. 


The Secret Place

The secret place has to stop being only a physical place. It's an internal castle of the Holy Ghost. You can't stop time fighting against it. You stop time by being.  



Rest is a sword