
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Fun in the Holy Ghost

Fun in the Holy Ghost

                                                       Have Some Fun People

The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The idea of the "Holy" Spirit being happy is enough to disturb the religiously staunch. God is happy!!!!! He's happy with us, who are in Christ. It's his designated posture of choice, the posture of delight over us. The Holy Spirit is committed to the process of making us like Jesus.Our homework is to "allow" the love of God to saturate us. Everything in the Kingdom comes from rest. Rest is the byproduct of sons of God forcefully declaring and living out their identity. Identity releases destiny. When you know who you are, what you are called to do becomes natural.


                                                    Be Natural, Supernatural!!!

If you can't enjoy life then you are missing out on the optimistic worldview of the Christian. When the goodness of God touches us, we will be concerned with the kingdom of heaven more than Capitol Hill. I don't have much interest in politics. My only interest is to manifest the Kingdom wherever I go. We must be diligent to enter his rest. Conspiracy theories die in his presence. The awareness of how wicked the world is means little in contrast to how good he is. He is faithful to pour himself out on us in the land of the living. Enjoy a good love song and stop wondering if it's secular or Christian. We should have standards. Our standards should be dictated by the word not our ideas. If you have a conviction that you can only prove with your ideas then it's not a standard. Let's live life, with purity and the fear of God as our guide. Too often being holy comes with a list of do's and don'ts and religious ideas that bring us no closer to God. 

When you see him as he is, you become like him. Enjoy the process of favor. Enjoy the waiting and development that his presence brings.

-Jorge Valenzuela


                                                                          Our family enjoying life


Miracles, signs and wonders

Divine Life Hacking