
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Miracles, signs and wonders

Do you want to walk In power? If you do, you're already halfway there. God's power is amazing and in this article I will show you some keys to walking in the supernatural demonstration of the kingdom and the purpose of such acts. Hope you're ready for a fun intro to a life in the supernatural.


Naturally supernatural

The supernatural is supposed to be natural! It's our inheritance in Jesus. That's why Jesus can say "heal the sick", he didn't say pray for the sick. The Christian life is a continual journey into the impossible. Our lives will be marked by breakthroughs and anointings the earth has never seen


Matthew 10:7-8

as you go preach saying "the kingdom of heaven is at hand, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out devils



The kingdom of heaven is at hand? What does that mean? The kingdom of heaven is the presence of God. It is the awareness of God and the guarantee of heavenly provision. The kingdom is God's vehicle to bring heaven on earth.  


At hand

"At hand"  means "near always, within reach, within arms reach." The kingdom is always at hand. If we can develop a consciousness that heaven, his presence and his power are at hand then we can do the rest. When we can recognize the kingdom is already in us and at hand we can do anything. The key is awareness.


"to a man in touch with the Spirit of God, miracles are his native breath" - John G. Lake


The same spirit

When you can recognize the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. Stuff will happen. Miracles, prophesy, joy, it's all inside. 


Romans 8:11

"...the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you..." 



Father,  I pray that you would show me the power of God within me. Release boldness in my heart through the kingdom within. I want to see you move in power Jesus. Amen, in Jesus name.



A lifestyle of Celebration

A lifestyle of Celebration

Fun in the Holy Ghost

Fun in the Holy Ghost