
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The F-word

The F-word

   Failure. We all hate failure. Failure to us means the ridicule and scorn of others. It means the disapproval of others as we move forward. Failure is a bad word to me but failing is part of the process. When you don't have fear it doesn't mean you can't fail it just means you won't be stopped. Nothing can get in your way

   In fact, sometimes doing this very blog I feel like a failure. My dream is to demonstrate the Kingdom of God to millions around the world. To leave an inheritance for my children of righteousness and power. I want to do that. I've got to see that in my life. It can be easy to feel like a failure because I'm not reaching the masses and others near my age are doing what I want for my life. But this is all a stepping stone and how we handle the small determines how we will handle the large. I'm going to be faithful with my widows mite. By God's grace, will you? 


               Jorge Valenzuela 

           Kingdom Rising Ministries


                     Building A Revival Community

Building A Revival Community

                                      I'm convicted of Righteousness

I'm convicted of Righteousness