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The Power of Imagination in Building Your Future and How to Use It

The Power of Imagination in Building Your Future and How to Use It

Introduction: What is Imagination?

Imagination is the canvas of the heart. The imagination is hard to describe but I like to describe it as the original “white board.” The imagination is the source of everything that is occurring in your life.

The imagination is the field of your life. Whatever you sow there will spring up. The imagination is where we encounter the unseen realm. The imagination is where you see the spiritual realm.

We can try to devalue the imagination in our scientific process but the reality is: the most staunch believers in science use their imagination constantly. They often use their creativity and imagination to find solutions, build hypotheses, and to experiment.

If someone asks you “How many windows are in your home?” I promise you went in your mind and imagined walking through every room. The imagination is part of your everyday life. Use it intentionally to create a life you love. Meditate and feed on the things you WANT to see.

The Importance of Imagination in experiencing God and success.

In the words of Pastor David Cho in the book “The Fourth Dimension”

What becomes pregnant in your heart and mind is going to come out in your circumstances. Watch your heart and your mind more than anything else. Do not try to find the answer of God through another person, for God’s answer comes to your spirit and through your spirit the answer comes to your circumstances.

What you think about, speak and dwell on is the seed you are sowing for your life. Ask God to help you change your meditation.

If more of us understood this concept, we would get different results when we prayed. Instead, after we pray, we immediately open our eyes, check our wallets, and feel our bodies to see if something has happened. But miracles don’t come from the outside; they come from the inside. You cannot pray for healing while planning your funeral. You have to use your imagination to “see” the Word at work in your life. Don’t wait for a physical manifestation to verify that God’s promises are true. Instead, see yourself walking without pain. See yourself sleeping through the night, living instead of dying, eating what you haven’t been able to eat.

-Andrew Wommack

See yourself healed. See yourself saved. See yourself in the new role or job. See yourself in a healthy marriage, see yourself strong, see yourself successful and keep doing it, be consistent. Make it a habit to “see” demons leave people. To see people healed, to see your church grow, and if you can “see it” then you can see it. If you can see it then you can do it.


I started using this principle in 2006 when I first started having experiences with the Lord. I started imagining healing the sick, cleaning lepers, casting out demons. As I was faithful to do this, I started seeing an increase of miracles.

One time I was at a meeting and I was praying for a woman and I sensed a demonic spirit on her. When I cast it out, it looked like She was a puppet who had her strings cut. I believe this was symbolic of the control She has been experiencing under the demonic realm.

In a different meeting, we were having a fire tunnel and I saw this woman have a demonic reaction. The area around her neck got red hot and She started screaming. We cast out the demon and She was gloriously set free and seemed to get a new confidence from then.

In the streets, I saw 3 different women healed of casts. 2 at a Starbucks and 1 in front of greeting cards. I just realized the power of God until all their Achilles injuries were healed. 0% pain.

Fix your eyes on heavenly things my friends, Imagine how you want God to use you. He will do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or imagine.

-Jorge Valenzuela

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