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Don't Quit

Don't Quit

The Importance of Persevering in Our Daily Lives, No Matter How Difficult the Journey to Success Can Be

# Introduction

The path to success requires a lot of faith. It’s not easy to keep trusting when challenges keep coming and seem to have no end. There’s a reason 11/12 startups fail. The chance of success is so small when you bet on yourself.

People who find breakthroughs, success, impact, abundance, and their dreams are the people who have a “never say die” mindset. They have no plan B. They rely on God and not men.

 # How to Persevere Under Pressure and Turn Life's Obstacles into Assets

Therefore, atheism doesn’t work. At some point to be successful you must believe in what you can’t see with your eyes. You must feel something in your heart. Seeing is key.

You must see that future state God has promised you!

You cannot live with the limitations of what you can see. What you can see is the problem. If you want the solution, you must see with the eyes of faith.

# Illustrations of Perseverance in Our Daily Lives and How it Impacts Future Decisions

You will not press through difficult circumstances if you cannot see an end. People who end their lives cannot see the possibility of an improved situation. The enemy of our souls knows: if he can take our hope, he can take away our possibilities.

Hope (God can do this) leads to Faith (God will do this) leads to Love (Done)

 Conclusion: The Importance of Persevering through Every Obstacle We Face

Here are examples of people who failed repeatedly and pressed through.

·      Walt Disney

·      Abraham (to have a son)

·      Moses (to lead the people)

·      Jacob (to get his inheritance)

·      Albert Einstein

·      Lucille Ball

·      David (to lead his family)

·      Thomas Edison

·      Peter (denied Jesus 3 times)

·      Dr. Seuss

·      Michael Jordan

·      Jim Carrey

·      Colonel Sanders

·      Nasa (failed 20/28 flight attempts)

·      J.K Rowling

·      The apostle Paul (Killed Christians before his conversion) 

Most challenges can be overcome if we persist in our faith and trust in God.

 Moses persevered, says Hebrews 11, because he saw him who is invisible. The word persevere comes from the prefix per meaning “through” and “severe”—to press by faith through severe circumstances.[1]

Moses pressed through severe circumstances to taste the invisible God. He persevered because of what he could not see. God puts the desire in us to see, but our ability to see is defined by how powerfully we press through even during extreme opposition. Moses went through his pit and came out on top.


Faith is an ability to see what no one else sees and to press through into it by divine forcefulness, a godly grabbing of heaven and through eternal sight, bringing it forth. Pressing through in faith is our ability to keep our eyes on The Lord even in the most violent and apparent contradictions.  He desires us to mature by putting valleys of dry bones in front of us and then by our faith speak life into the most dead and hopeless situations.


Moses persevered because he saw the invisible and that trust was not in vain as he was a man who knew God in a way few others knew him.


We see that God is the one who liberates people from bondage and suffering.

 When you call on the name of the Lord, He delivers you.

 Exodus 2:23-25

23Now it came about in the course of those many days that the king of Egypt died. And the sons of Israel groaned because of the bondage, and they cried out, and their cry for help because of their bondage ascended to God. 24So God heard their groaning; and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 25And God saw the sons of Israel, and God [w]took notice of them.


Your groan will reach God’s throne. Be patient. Ask and you will receive. Faith and longsuffering inherit the promises of God.


 God often calls on ordinary people to do extraordinary things with their lives because they're less likely to say no.

God has given you something amazing to do with your life and the path there is treacherous. The road is ripe with opportunities for offense, anger, and others not seeing your value. Be patient. It’s hard I know but skipping destiny is worse. Missing what you were born to do is the same as dying. We don’t derive our value from our calling, but we do derive meaning from our calling.

Your life has value regardless of your calling and whether you fulfill it or not but your perceived sense of happiness and meaning will be disrupted. Don’t bypass the process or run from hard things to achieve temporary happiness.

When we trust in God's guidance and presence, we can accomplish anything because He provides us with all the help and support, we need to go through the trials ahead of us with ease.


God will never give us more than we can handle.

 1st Corinthians 10:13

13 For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes or where it leads] has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation, He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing place), that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently.


God will take us through these challenges to make us bigger and better. You can’t go to the next grade without a test.


Let me be clear: God doesn’t bring disease, debt, or sickness on you as a test. God doesn’t have sickness and disease to give you.


Tests from God show your mental strength and fortitude. They are designed to show you how strong you have become. They are success tests, not tests to show failure.


Perseverance: The Key to Transforming a Life

How to Use Perseverance to Spark Healing in Your Relationships

Keep going in your marriage and work together to build something beautiful. Keep discussing and listening to each other until you understand. Put away the screaming, pointing finger, and offense and connect again.

Healing can occur if the wound is allowed to heal. Rehab therapy includes testing those pained limbs to strengthen them. Therefore, rehabilitation can be so hard, it’s subjecting yourself to pain so you can improve and have lasting happiness.

Wounds are the same way, run to the source if possible and work things through as the Spirit of God leads you.

The Importance of Perseverance for Recovery and Restoration

It takes time to feel better.

Feelings are subjective and only can improve as your thinking improves. You cannot live better than your thinking. You are right now the result of your thinking up to this point. Your life now is a culmination of the thoughts you have had for the last 3-5 years.

keywords: abuse and mental illness, loneliness amid success) Conclusion, keywords: bible story, book of exodus, Israelites, Moses) keywords: addiction recovery, addiction treatment); keywords: healing relationship, heal family relationships, repair family relationships), keywords: perseverance, transform a life, change your life, personal development) keywords: god's guidance, trusting god); keywords: bible story, book of exodus, Israelites, Moses) keywords: obstacles in life, turn obstacles into assets, how to persevere







[1]Morgan, Robert J.: On This Day: 265 Amazing and Inspiring Stories About Saints, Martyrs & Heroes. electronic ed. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2000, c1997, S. December 10

The Kingdom of God is more amazing than you can imagine!

The Kingdom of God is more amazing than you can imagine!

Blessed is the man who relies on The Lord!

Blessed is the man who relies on The Lord!