
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Kinetic Living

Kinetic Living

Kinetic- motion; to be characterized by motion. 


  Our lives should be moving somewhere. We are invited into a kinetic lifestyle. Ruts are experiences we have all been through. I've been there. I've experienced the feeling of paralysis. Not knowing what to do with my life. Knowing all the prophetic words but feeling out of touch emotionally with who you are. I've been there. I feel your pain. Just know this, the word of God stands above all those things! Our emotions may scream one thing but the word of God stands above all those rampant emotions! I love emotions. I'm Dominican. You can't be Hispanic and not love emotions! They are a massive part of the kingdom but our foundation is the word spoken by The Spirit.


Live kinetically


   So go do what God has placed on your heart. You can go. Live with risk. It's one of your divine kingdom privileges. Live with danger emanating from your being. Don't be afraid to live, to flow and to move. Be kinetic and live with the power of momentum. Make a move toward the dream and press toward the goal. Pushing with all your strength become what you already are in God's eyes. We think everything will be handed to us but what we want we have to go and get. Be blessed and go. Let's go live the go of the gospel.


Matthew 10:7-8

And as you go preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand! Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Freely without pay you have received, freely without charge give. 


Give me beautiful feet

Give me beautiful feet

The real day of the dead

The real day of the dead