
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Discerning of Spirits

Discerning of Spirits

Without discernment we become confused and immobile. Discernment or the ability to judge things rightly is so key. In this beautiful age of information we can become passive to all the different and contrary threads of so called wisdom coming our way when our information should be proceeding from The Spirit of God. He's got an opinion and you can take it to the bank as fact.  


Romans 12:2 CEB

Do not be shaped by conformed to; pressed into a mold by this world age; instead; be changed within; transformed by ·a new way of thinking or changing the way you think;  the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to decide discern; test and approve what God wants for you is God’s will; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.


The word discern can also mean approve. How can we as believers "approve" of the will of God? God doesn't need our approval. The reality is the world is confused about what God is like. We have the ability as people who can discern and have seen his work before to see a healing and say "approved". We are to become a source of discernment for his goodness in the earth. Accurately giving credit to the Lord for his goodness and defaming the devil's deeds instead of those being attributed to God. When your mind is renewed you become an approved, a verifier, and a confirmer of what the true will of God is.  

Pray and believe

Overflowing gratitude

Overflowing gratitude