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What do you see?

Jeremiah 1:11-12 Voice

11 The word of the Eternal came to me.

Eternal One: What do you see, Jeremiah?

Jeremiah: I see the branch of an almond tree.

Eternal One: 12 That’s right. From this know that I am watching over My word until it is accomplished.

The word “almond” is the same as the word “watch” in Hebrew. The almond looks like the human eye. it’s a play on words. God is watching over his word. The image of watching over speaks of incubation. Do you recall this scene in Genesis.

Genesis 1:2 Voice

At first the earth lacked shape and was totally empty, and a dark fog draped over the deep while God’s spirit-wind hovered over the surface of the empty waters. Then there was the voice of God.

God: Let there be light.

And light flashed into being. 

God hovered over the waters. He incubated. He watched over the word so he could see it comes to pass. He waited (clearly to demonstrate a principle since God doesn’t need principles He is all powerful) and then spoke. He incubated, meditated, gave his attention to, fixed his eyes on what he wanted. He thought about it. He mused. He imagined.

We all have to watch his word until it is accomplished. We all have to watch his word so it can be accomplished. Give attention and give ear to his sayings and promises and meditate on them. Think about them. Give room to them. Watch them! Heed them! Listen to them over and over and faith will rise in your heart. Faith comes by hearing not by having heard. Present hearing is always needed. His grace is available to help us hear that way. it’s a free grace gift of the cross.

Hover over that word. Meditate on that word. Give yourself wholly to it.

Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash