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Not all of you are called to Ministry

Psalm 60:6-7 TPT

[6-7] Then I heard the Lord speak in his holy splendor. From his sanctuary I heard the Lord promise: "In my triumph I will be the one to measure out the portion of my inheritance to my people, and I will secure the land as I promised you. Shechem, Succoth, Gilead, Manasseh, they are all still mine!" he says. "Judah will continue to produce kings and lawgivers, and Ephraim will produce great warriors.

In the kingdom, there are more callings than ministry. There is so much more room in the kingdom than preaching the gospel from a pulpit.

We need people to be lawmakers, leaders and warriors. We need fashion designers who make modesty the trend and display the innate beauty of people. We need coders who create apps that improve life in the world.

James 3:1 (AMP)

Not many [of you] should become teachers [serving in an official teaching capacity], my brothers and sisters, for you know that we [who are teachers] will be judged by a higher standard [because we have assumed greater accountability and more condemnation if we teach incorrectly].

Not many of us should serve in ministry capacity because there are higher standards for teaching the body but it is a good thing to aspire to lead. Remember that there are other ways to serve God and you aren’t deficient because you don’t preach from a pulpit.

I’d like to see believers set free to serve in Hollywood and bring purity to a dark sector of society. The kingdom should have such good actors that they clamor to have us because we have access in the Spirit to God’s emotions.

Believers who aspire to run for congress so they can bring God’s wisdom to serve the people of their nation. We need doctors, lawyers, producers and more.

The Lord wants us to pursue these dreams with the kingdom as the focus. When Jesus said “take up your cross and follow me.” He didn’t say “ignore the desires of your heart since everything is evil and nothing is worth redeeming”

Here’s the deal:

Christ needs to be everything to us but He Longs for us to invade society with his glory in your God given occupation today.

Yes, steer clear of sin personally and come close to God so that you wont be tempted by the wares of this world but we need to invade society and stop hiding our faith.

Let’s live it out with wisdom in our context and bring the power of God there.