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“Daddy, where are you?”

We bought a home last year and I rejoiced greatly when it had a 3rd floor office. Obvious reasons are:

  1. Hello!!! Upper room anyone!

  2. privacy

  3. I have a floor to myself!

  4. bathroom in my office! What???

  5. a glorious window to peer out of when writing.

The other day, while in my office, my 3 year old son called out to me “Daddy, where are you?” I responded “Multiple times, buddy I’m up here!” No matter how many times I told him where he was, my son could not find me, even though my door was open. He just kept screaming “Daddy, where are you?”

What I learned from this was:

God is in our house but do we know where he is? He could be screaming from the third heaven of our Spirit and we can’t hear him because we aren’t on the same floor with him. God is there but we can’t perceive him from the lower levels. We have to remember we are seated with him in heavenly places. That’s where we can interact with him powerfully.