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Prosperity: God’s Will

“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”

3 John 1:2 NASB

Prosperity is a tough subject to tackle particularly in Christian culture nowadays. There has been some abuse when it comes to teaching prosperity and wealth in the church, because of this, many have reacted to the bad teaching instead of searching the scriptures to hear the Spirit’s teaching. This has caused many to believe lies of lack and poverty when this is not the way of the kingdom. Today, I want to help you see more clearly: The desire of God for His people. This will not be an extensive dive into these teachings and scriptures but it will be a good start, you must start from here to show yourself approved.

I want to tell you with confidence that it is God’s will that His people prosper and have wealth.

“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, And the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.”

Proverbs 13:22 NASB

Without the ability to prosper and create wealth you cannot set up your future generations, God is always thinking ahead. He sees the end from the beginning so He is always thinking about how He can set up future generations. It is God’s will for you to be able to set up your children and your grandchildren. That scripture also says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. This means wealth is part of your inheritance in Christ. That may not mean you ride around in a Private jet, although it may mean that. What it does mean is that you have endless resource for all things pertaining to life physically and spiritually. It means that you are invited to walk in abundance. It means making decisions out of abundance.

“seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.”

2 Peter 1:3 NASB

By His divine power He has granted as your inheritance ALL things pertaining to life and to godliness. The word “all” there actually means all believe it or not. The key is as this verse says “through the true knowledge of Him who called us”; you have to learn what is God’s will based on what His nature is. He is a good Father who gives good gifts to His children.

If you then being evil , how much more will the Father in heaven (See Matthew 11:7).

The truth here is that God the Father is much more willing to give gifts to us then what we are even willing to give good gifts to our own children.The issue is not His willingness, the issue is you don’t believe His willingness.

All throughout the Old Testament and the prophets, God declares to His people Israel that He will give them wealth, that He will cause them to walk in abundance, that “the plowman would overtake the reaper.” That they would reap where they haven’t sown. Beloved, you need to understand that a promise to the the people of God in the Old Testament is guaranteed even more by the blood of Christ to the people of God in the New Testament. You have been made a “co-heir” with Christ. The scripture decrees that God will supply all your needs according to HIS RICHES! Furthermore the Psalmist David says in Psalms 23: “The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not be in want”. God as a good Father is not just looking to provide for your needs, He is looking to bless you abundantly so that you won’t be in want at all!

Friends,it is time for us to start believing the word of God, it is time for us to start leaning on the nature of God. We don’t see because we don’t believe. Jesus said “whatever you ask believe that you have received it and it is yours!” As my brother Jorge Valenzuela always says

”prosperity starts in the inner man”

believe your inheritance in Christ first, ask the Lord to reveal His nature to you and His will to you concerning prosperity and abundance and; then from there ask so that you can believe what you are asking and then you will receive.

Proverbs 10:22 “the blessing of the Lord makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it”


“The blessing of the Lord makes me rich, He adds no sorrow with it. I am under the blessing of God, my family is under the blessing of God, my health is under the blessing of God, my finances are under the blessings of God, my mind is under the blessings of God, my relationships are under the blessing of God”

“ I am a co-heir with Christ. Part of my inheritance in Him is abundance. Abundance in my spirit, abundance in my mind, abundance in my health, abundance in my finances.”

“Wealth is stored up for because I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I command that wealth to come into my life.”

“The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not be in want, The Lord provides even my wants because He is good. I will not have any lack in my life in Jesus name.”

Recommended resources for understanding biblical wealth: “Poverty, riches and Wealth” Author Kris Vallotton

“Fixing The Money Thing” Author Gary Keesee “The Power Of Rest” Author Gary Keesee

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