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The Gospel

The Gospel


A.   All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against the sinner, who has hated God and attacked God and has totally opposed his ways. The sinner is a God-hater, insolent, boastful, proud, rude and destined for Hell

B.   But God demonstrated his mercy to us while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. God took the initiative to restore our relationship with him and gave himself that if we would give our lives in pursuit of him, we would go to an eternal realm with him. Jesus’ death on the cross is the most powerful demonstration of God and most painful sacrifice in history. His blood is holy and we must live worthy of that call.

C.  God now, in his grace empowers us to live for him and he gives us the grace to know him and fall sooooo in love with him that we would be strong and do great exploits for the Kingdom of God.

D.  That Grace is accessed through Faith and faith is diligent seeking in thought, mind, action, and speech of God. Through his word, confession, meditation, consecration and through constant prayer, meditation, focus, praying in tongues warfare prayer and so on. This results in spiritual experience, obedience, fruit, Love perfected and so on and a powerful life in the Spirit.


The Gospel is one thing, it is revelation of Jesus Christ and when he is lifted up, he will draw all men to himself. The gospel is the Cross and the power of God unto salvation. The Gospel has one demand that it be preached and it requires being a bond-servant of Christ. Paul said “if I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.” This message must be preached that the Christ might be glorified.