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Do not limit his scope

Ephesians 4:30



30 The Holy Spirit of God has sealed you in Jesus Christ until you experience your full salvation. So never grieve the Spirit of God or take for granted his holy influence in your life.[r



God has ordained that we keep in step with the Spirit. As we pursue his presence to continue to envelop us you must know the only way to give the Spirit is to limit him. It's hard to grieve the Spirit by the way God isn't easily hurt or angered or vexed. His anger isn't towards believers but towards sin and the demons that influence the process. We can grieve the Spirit by limiting him. By holding him back. Let's let him flow without limit. 




Lord I ask that you would have full vent of your Spirit through me, around me, on me. Take full control of me that you might use me as you wish. Possess me that I might express Jesus in the earth with holiness and power. Amen!





  1. Ephesians 4:30 The Greek manuscripts have “do not grieve,” while the Aramaic text reads “do not limit his scope.” This translation includes both concepts.