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Pleasant Learning

Proverbs 16:21

The wise of heart is called discerning and sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness.


The word "sweetness" here is "metheq" in Hebrew. In Strong's concordance it is h4986. It means "pleasantness". Pleasantness means "enjoyment; pleasing in manner; behavior or appearance; merry; lively. and the word persuasiveness here means "learning". It's the Hebrew word leqach which means "learning, teaching, insight, teaching-power".


The wise of heart is called discerning and "pleasantness" of speech increases persuasiveness(learning). 


What a wonderful verse. This scripture really explains the power of "pleasant" speech. When the medium by which we share information is delightful. People are persuaded. Remember the art of persuasion/teaching is captivation. When people are captivated they are changed. Delight isn't a desire of the flesh we desire to be touched; moved and exhilarated. God designed us that way. It's why we love entertainment. I think God is entertaining, He's not an entertainer by any means, that's not his goal but his ways are entertaining, God's fun, he is the opposite of unimaginative. Be creative and demonstrate your message through magazines, blogs, movies, fashion, video games and other realm of influence we have. Just die to the idea of boredom. die to the idea of zest less and insipid living and expression.  Discipline is essential to life but when we live our lives with just discipline and aren't baptized in the love bubbles of heaven then we have some serious inconsistencies. People are transformed through powerful mediums that touch all our senses. Demonstrative expressions of creativity in daily mundane tasks can be a source of change in the world if we take on a role in extending God's pleasant nature all over the earth. If we show the enjoyable nature of God realms will come into forcible contact with enjoying God in life.


It makes me think about the movie " Dead Poet's Society" where Robin Williams(John Keating) as a poetry teacher changed the hearts of his students by presenting a "dull" subject and infusing it with life. His energy and enthusiasm was authentic and dangerous to those who didn't wish to stretch their learning muscles. Teaching power it was called. The ability to persuade is the art of reaching the hearts and minds of your listeners. The only way to captivate is to be captivated. The only way to touch people is to break all the rules and present a message of truth with the pleasantness of God, the goodness of God, the majesty of God and power of God. Go, persuade people by the sweetness of your speech. Touch people with powerful methods of expression. Make movies that satiate the soul with amazing imagery and incredible sequence because the beauty of the message affects the power of the message. The medium is just as the essential as the actuality of the message itself.