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Forget Murphy's Law

Murphy's law states that "anything that can go wrong will go wrong." It's goal is to illuminate possibilities in the world. Anything that can happen will happen in the right circumstances. This mindset is perpetuated by science and logical minds whose thoughts are run like math equations.  Scientifically and rationally based off just the natural laws of the earth, Murphy's law would seem to be true. Thank God that the realm of the Spirit functions with different law that don't function on the rationale of this age bound by time and space. Eternity now lives inside us(Ecclesiastes 3:11). I love science but it's leading minds can be ignorant to greater truths because they can only see the physical realm around us. The apostle Paul encouraged us " not to look at the things that are seen." The world were framed by the word of God. Whatever we see now came out of the invisible world first. Whatever we see now came from the spiritual world to the natural world through a declaration of faith/unbelief.


Murphy's law presupposed failure and mediocrity. Jesus' law unbinds the unwilling optimist to understand that whatever "good can happen will happen." It's time the church embrace becoming righteous sociopaths. We think of what will go right not what will go wrong in every situation. We become affected by hope which is " the expectation of God ruling in every area of life." Will we still have wisdom and plan and live discerningly? Yes of course. The difference will be our focus will be on God and his goodness and since his power is the highest, the probability of good exceeds our current experience. Life is good. Bad things do happen. They just happen exponentially more if we expect them to. The thoughts we think lead to the words we say. Those declaration scan bring life or death to us. Here are some examples of lies we commonly believe.

  • If I get my hopes up I will be disappointed.
  • God will take it from me if I value it too much(As long as it's not sin; you're good here!)
  • God will take my husband/wife die to teach me a lesson.
  • This sickness is from God.
  • If I were successful I would be arrogant.
  • That's too much blessing. No one should have that much.
  • If I start to believe God the devil will attack me and God won't protect me.
  • When I'm more pure I'll be blessed.

Those are some common lies we tell ourselves that "cap" us from living in the unlimited blessing, favor, kindness and personality of God. We can't earn blessing. We believe for blessing and the necessary character comes as a fruit of our belief in Christ. We live by faith.

Proverbs 15:15

all the days of the oppressed are wretched but to the cheerful heart life is a continual feast.