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Prophetic Decrees

Job 22:28 (AMP)

28 You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] shall shine upon your ways.


There are promises in the scripture that astound me, this being one of them. People always get astounded that there is such "meaty" spiritual truths in Job. Job knew the power of words and the power that words have over our lives. I'm not taking about your normal Sunday morning "watch your words" routine. I'm talking about speaking under the influence of The Holy Ghost.


Hebrews 11:3 (AMP)

By faith we understand that the worlds [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible.

Worlds are created by words. Words create worlds. Our life is formed through our intentional decrees. Speak life. By making prophetic decrees I've stepped into finances that I would have never had if not for holy speech.

As Bill Johnson says "nothing happens in the kingdom without a declaration."


Recommended material: " You can have what you say" by Kenneth Hagin