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Busyness isn't the same as business. Multitasking has a time and place but the reality is we are all far more stressed than we should be. Multitasking is scientifically proven to cause stress. Our minds are made for maximum engagement. We are made to be completely involved in one task. There are growing studies that suggest a wandering mind contributes to depression. I feel it's because we haven't cultivated the practice of "being". As my former dean Keith Collins used to say "wherever you are be all there." Be fully present. BE exactly where you are. 

It's important that we slow down. That we stop leaning on human constructs such as time and be baptized into the richness of the presence of God. He has given us all things freely to enjoy. If that's the case how much are we enjoying every little thing? Every sunny day? Every hug from our spouses? Slow down and take in the reality of each moment. Drink in deeply of life. Imbibe every sound, every smell and every moment. It takes focus to make every moment count. The truest form of love and discipline is focus. 


"Be" still and know that I am God

Psalm 46:10